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About Linden

The Jewish Community of Linden is best characterized by one tIsraelheme: Birth and Rebirth. It’s about starting out, finding yourselves and charting a course for life.

It’s a truly startling fact: almost every single one of our young families moved to Linden when they were just recently married and without children. Young members frequently move to Linden while just out of college, in graduate school or just beginning their first job. And now, so many of our young members have continued to develop professional careers or grow their own successful businesses nearby. 

Linden itself is a story of rebirth. First established over 105 years ago, the Jewish community of Linden has experienced an incredible revival in the past twenty years, and is home to the bustling Modern Orthodox shul, Congregation Anshe Chesed, now with over 100 families, as well as a brand new chassidishe community, Kossin, itself with over 50 families.

For the past decade we have continued to experience new growth of the shul, with building of Anshe Chesed’s recent, state of the art mikvah in 2015. We have enjoyed new shiurim and classes that welcome lively debate and dialogue, and a robust youth program that engages children in davening, parsha and hakaras hatov from nursery through high school, signature yearly programming which draws close to 100% member attendance.

In addition to its two shuls, there are many Jewish-owned businesses either right in Linden, or one town over, including Artscroll-Mesorah Press recently opening its new plant in Rahway, NJ. There are three daily minyanim for shacharis in town, two for maariv, and over 10 minyanim for mincha. Recently opening its doors in Linden is Bakeristor, a brand-new artisanal café/pizza shop, located a block from Anshe Chesed. In addition to the many nearby choices of kosher food, there are six Jewish preschool-through-8th grade schools, five commutable high schools and numerous daycare facilities. Linden itself has two urgent care clinics, many pediatric practices, and is within 20 minutes of three major regional hospitals.


One of the best aspects of Linden is its location. In short: you get all the relaxing, comfortable and charming benefits of an out-of-town community, and yet you are totally “in the mix:” a simple 36-minute direct train ride away from midtown Manhattan (46-minute direct bus ride). We are also only a half hour car ride to Brooklyn.

If you’re looking for a community where you are starting out but also want the possibility of making lifelong friends in an extraordinarily warm community, spend a shabbos in Linden, and you'll quickly see why more and more families are calling Linden and Anshe Chesed, their home.

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Come visit for a shabbos!

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785