Ongoing Learning Opportunities
Sunday Morning Breakfast Shiur
Every Sunday morning after shacharis at 9:15 AM.
Come join us every Sunday morning for a Shiur and breakfast with Rabbi Katz.
A podcast of the Shiurim can be found Here
Semichas Chaver Shiur
Join us on Tuesday after Maariv
Mishna Yomi
A Daily Podcast that studies two Mishynaos a day. Podcast can be found on Apple Podcast, Spotify or any other Podcasting app. For more information check out the Mishna Yomi website click Here
Thursday Parsha Shiur
Join Rabbi Katz every Thursday for a delicious refreshments, a Shiur and a lively discussion.
Lunch is available by RSVP
A podcast of the Shiurim can be found Here
The Mishna Yomi Journey
Upcoming Special Shiurim
Linden Beit Midrash with YU Speaker,
Mrs. Nechama Price
February 22 at 8PM
This Year's Live Shiur Recordings
You can enjoy many of our regularly scheduled shiurim on our Youtube channel HERE. And on the Rabbi's Podcast Here
Below are live recordings of some of our special shiurim held throughout the year.
Linden Beit Midrash Featuring YU Speakers: Mrs. Nechama Price - Disappearing Acts of the Torah
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Linden Beit Midrash Featuring YU Speakers: Rabbi Yaakov Glasser - We Did Start the Fire: Chanuka & Our Eternal Role in Jewish Destiny
Wednesday, December 2, 2021
Rebbetzin Emma Katz - Why do we need Miracles? A Women's Pre-Chanukah Shiur
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Linden Beit Midrash Featuring YU Speakers: Rabbi Ezra Schwartz- Heter Mechira: A Controversy over the Land of Israel
Wednesday, November 11, 2021
Linden Beit Midrash Featuring YU Speakers: Dr. Daniel Ryhnold - The Story of Jewish Philosophy
Monday, October 18, 2021
Rebbetzin Emma Katz - The Purifying Nature of Teshuva, a Women's Teshuva Shiur
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785