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Cookie Bake 2022

Sunday, September 18, 2022 22 Elul 5782

9:45 AM - 11:00 AMKatz Home

Dear Anshe Chesed, 

One of the acronyms for the month of the month of Elul is:
איש לרעהו ומתנות לאביונים 
“Sending gifts to one another and presents to the poor” Esther 9:22

But why are we talking about Purim in Elul?!
This quote from Megillat Esther that contains within the letters a hint to Elul reminds us that Elul is not only about doing Teshuva, returning to Hashem and atoning for our sins, rather it is also about turning to one another and strengthening our friendships and repairing our relationships. 

With this idea of fostering friendship and community in mind, the youth of our shul will be baking cookies and put together small Pre-Rosh Hashana packages next Sunday September 18 at 9:45 AM at the Katz home- 34 Harvard Road.  Please RSVP by clicking

But don’t worry, us adults can get involved too!
 We will be using these packages as the basis of an activity to bring our shul together in a fun, yet meaningful, way this Elul. 

1. After the packages are created, they will be placed in the Anshe Chesed lobby Sunday evening
2. Please come to the lobby and take a package (or two) by Wednesday September 21
3. There will be a box with folded papers next to the packages. Close your eyes and pick out one paper for each package you took! 
4. This paper will have the name of the person that you will be delivering your package(s) to!  
5. Deliver the package with a smile! 

Trust us, the sweetness of connecting with each other will be greater than the sugar in the cookies! 
Wishing everyone a K’Tiva V’Chatima Tova a sweet new year and looking forward to continuing to grow together this Elul!


This form closed on 2022-09-15 11:59:00.
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