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Robert H. Weitzman Beit Medrash Capital Campaign

Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce new dedication opportunities at Shul as we build the Robert H. Weitzman Beit Medrash!  

Bookcase or Shelf
One of the time honored Jewish traditions is to dedicate something in memory of a loved one. The bookcase or shelf will be in the Beit Medrash, and indeed the hallowed Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt"l stated that the purchaser actually owns that space in the Beit Medrash - a place where Torah is studied day and night - forever!  We are building 8 beautiful bookcases to hold our beloved sefarim. 
Sefer Dedications
Donate Sefarim in honor or memory of friends and loved ones. A dedication will be affixed on the inside cover and an acknowledgment letter will be sent to the recipient you specify.

Makom Kavuah
We learn in Beraishit 19:27 that Abraham returned to the same setting, where he had previously connected with Hashem, to daven Shacharit. The gemara references this story when stressing the importance of maintaining a makom kavua for tefilla. As it says in Brachot (6b), “Whoever fixes a place for prayer has the God of Abraham for help.”   It’s now possible to reserve your place of learning and davening in the new Beit Medrash. 
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784