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Gertrude Weil Fundraiser 2022

*These levels can be donated by an individual or groups of individuals.

Dear Anshe Chesed

Since 2004, the educational and holiday programs for our synagogue have been funded through the Gertrude Weil Institute of Jewish Learning.  As we kick-off this year's campaign, we ask that you partner with us in all the upcoming programming we have planned.

 At our core, Anshe Chesed stands on three pillars: Prayer, Community and Torah Study.

We come together to daven to Hashem three times daily and to celebrate holidays. 

We come together  to share in milestones and Smachot, and we also come together when there is a loss or need for support. 

We come together to learn Torah.

In the past year, our beautifully renovated Dr. Robert H. Weitzman Beit Midrash hosted weekly breakfast and lunch shiurim. We welcomed scholars in residence, as well as members of the broader community for special Shiurim. The women of our community had a special series on Taharat Hamishpacha-family purity, in addition to the regular Shiurim that Rebbetzin Katz gave throughout the year at Lunch and Learn, Shabbat afternoons and in advance of the holidays. 

Together, we have studied everything from Halakhah to Jewish History, from Talmud to philosophy, from Tanakh to story time and youth Davening. Looking back, we hope that everyone has a sense of pride and accomplishment for the hours of Torah that we collectively studied and we hope that our communal learning has inspired personal learning!

 We are excited to plan our communal learning for the coming year. We plan to bring back the popular Scholar-in-Residence Shabbatonim. We aim to expand our current weekly programming, and provide additional weekly learning opportunities. We hope to found an Anshe Chesed Midrasha to focus on women’s learning in our community.  We want to provide special learning opportunities for our growing teen population. And we want to hear from you about any ideas you have to make this year as successful as possible. 

All of this learning and programming can only be accomplished first with your partnership by committing to learning, attending classes, and providing feedback.  Secondly, your generous support is essential for us to continue growing and strengthening our array of shiurim and programs.  

We are so grateful for all the support you have given to make Anshe Chesed the Makom Torah, the community of learning, it is today, and we hope you will continue to partner with us in growing and strengthening our community.

Wishing you an amazing year of Torah learning, spiritual growth, and community. 

Thank you

Rabbi Yossi Katz

President Andrew Van Houter  

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784