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Anshe Chesed of Linden Celebrates Mishna Yomi

09/04/2024 11:18:03 AM


By Jewish Link Staff


Dancing at the siyum.

(Courtesy of Anshe Chesed of Linden) During the Nine Days, Anshe Chesed held a siyum to celebrate the completion of Seder Nashim with the Mishna Yomi cycle. Three years ago, Rabbi Yossi Katz initiated the study of Mishna Yomi along with the Mishna Yomi cycle. He records the sessions and releases them as a podcast.

“Our lives are so busy, with countless commitments, so when Mishna Yomi is accessible and you get a notification that it’s time to learn for six minutes, it’s much easier to commit,” he explained.

Siyum participants.
Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784