Anshe Chesed of Linden Celebrates Chanukah
01/13/2025 09:43:20 PM

The sounds of sawing and hammering aren’t what you’d typically expect to hear coming from a beit midrash, but on the first night of Chanukah at Anshe Chesed of Linden, that’s exactly what filled the air. Our industrious teens were hard at work building a massive menorah.
Standing over nine feet tall and spanning ten feet wide, this impressive menorah was built from PVC pipes. Not only is it a sight to behold, but it was also fully functional. The teens rolled up their sleeves and learned the basics of electrical work, threading wires and connecting light bulbs to bring the menorah to life. The finished piece not only showcases their craftsmanship but will also spread the light of Chanukah to the world, a testament to the Jewish people’s resilience, our Jewish pride and the miracles that Hashem performs for us.
This menorah-building project was just one highlight of Anshe Chesed’s incredible 5785 Chanukah party.

We kicked off the celebration with a public menorah lighting, accompanied by Chanukah songs. A special candle was lit in honor of our beloved brothers and sisters still held hostage—a moving moment filled with hope and a tefillah for their safe return.
Afterward, everyone enjoyed a delicious Chinese dinner and, of course, sufganiyot. The night was packed with activities for all ages: trivia games for the adults, arts and crafts for the kids, and the unforgettable menorah-building project for the teens.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended, sponsored and organized this evening. Check out our website,, to view upcoming programs and events at Anshe Chesed.